Energy Efficiency in the EU: Saving energy & money

The demand for energy is growing worldwide.

Due to an increasing scarcity, prices are continuously rising and our environment is suffering from irreversible damages. We should all be very concerned about how we manage energy.

One of the current challenges for European politics is how to manage energy in relation to climate change and environmental policies. The main objective is to create a sustainable and competitive system. This is not easy task, considering the population growth and the increasing energy consumption per capita. Both facts strongly affects our environment.

We all need to reduce CO2 emissions.

In order to achieve the described energy goals, all the countries should work together within an Energy Union.

The Energy Union is a union of the national and interconnected energy markets of the EU Member States. Its main tasks include ensuring an efficient and climate-friendly energy supply in Europe. The goal is a low-carbon, yet competitive economy. Especially renewable energies play an important role here. In addition, the EU carried out specific research to improve the existing energy system.

Case study: Austria, a model to follow

Although the Energy Union classifies nuclear energy as an important source of energy, it also carries many risks. Austria´s example shows that environment and economy in energy policies could play a partner role. By decommissioning domestic nuclear power plants (Atomic Energy Block Act) Austria is leading in the area of energy efficiency.

Using energy savings day for a sustainable future. March 5th, Energy Efficiency Day.

The International Energy Saving Day draws the attention on both private consumers and large businesses.

The private consumer should take an example of European energy policy and save where possible. Whether in the household, on the way to work or directly at the workplace, every kilogram of avoided CO2 emissions counts.
Making simple changes in our routines can make a big difference:
– Wash your hands with cold rather than warm water and save up to € 75 a year.
– Travel short distances by bike instead of by car can also reduce CO2 emissions significantly. For longer distances, remember carpools are suitable.

CO2 saving energy

We should apply the energy-saving day program and transfer its principles to our everyday life and on the long term. The idea behind is to promote a responsible energy use.

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